Ilaria Gaspari

Autrice di "L'essenza della felicità in un tè" e delle Tisane Filofoche.

Ilaria Gaspari was born in Milan, but didn't stay there long. She studied philosophy at the Scuola Normale in Pisa, then she obtained a doctorate in Paris at the Sorbonne University with a philosophical study of the passions of the 17th century. In 2019 was published Lezioni di feicità. Esercizi filosofici per il buon uso della vita, in 2021 Vita segreta delle emozioni both for Einaudi.
She now lives mainly in Rome and continues to write and collaborates with various newspapers. Ora vive prevalentemente a Roma econtinua a scrivere, collabora con diverse testate.

NarraTHERAPY (24)